the issue

Black girls are over-represented along the entire exclusionary school discipline, including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, referrals to law enforcement and arrest. Across the nation, girls of color have described experiencing discipline in response to their expressions, presentation, and/or identity, instead of in response to an actual threat to school safety.
the documentary

PUSHOUT: THE CRIMINALIZATION OF BLACK GIRLS IN SCHOOLS is a feature length documentary that takes a deep dive into the lives of Black girls and the practices, cultural beliefs and policies that disrupts one of the most important factors in girls’ lives – education.
the book

“PUSHOUT”is a powerful exploration of the harsh and harmful experiences confronting Black girls in schools. In a work that Lisa Delpitcalls “imperative reading,” Monique W. Morris (Black Stats,Too Beautiful for Words) chronicles the experiences of Black girls across the country whose intricate lives are misunderstood.